Linda Lee Tarver
"We don't need theories, we need truth – and civics preaches the truth.”

“Civics is about understanding your power.”
“That understanding needs to be taught at home, in church, where kids play, on sports teams and in our theaters. It needs to be taught wherever young people go – instead, it is a jewel that has been hidden.”
“Understanding civics is understanding the dynamic, culture, rights and responsibilities of where you live. It’s about knowing what you have that you can bring to society. It’s not just saying, ‘here’s what you shouldn’t be doing’ but ‘here’s what you can do as a citizen.’ It’s saying ‘here’s your voice, here’s your power’ and training people into their rights and responsibilities as citizens.”
“Kids should be taught about the opportunities they have to improve our nation so that it will be flowing with milk and honey – and continue to improve so that we might live peaceful lives.”
“Children are missing out on being educated in the basics of citizenship. We have a rich history in our country. It’s shameful at times and it’s difficult at times. Civics is color blind, but you can still learn civil rights in a civics lesson and, at the end of the day, we have a responsibility to teach our children without political commentary.”
“That’s why it’s important to teach American history accurately. I’m concerned about different theories that are coming up. We don’t need theories, we need truth – and civics preaches the truth.”
“In the middle of the Declaration of Independence, it says ‘let facts be submitted to a candid world.’ That’s where we are today and that’s what I believe Level Up Civics will do. They are coming from a prism of child-focused intent to work on the issues of our day, and they understand the times that we live in and what we ought to do.”
“Every family can instill a love of country in their children, and that is where civics can start. You can tell a child who they are and they will believe it. So, at home, you need to tell them that they have rights. They have a right to speak up, to bear arms, to worship, you have a right to silence if you’re being accused. You have all of these rights.”
“But you cannot love your country if you feel like you are a victim of your country. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. talked about justice, and not victimhood.”
“We must rethink our position in this country as an opportunity to participate in getting it right. If we can take and channel some of the frustration that people are having about their country to a place where they want to be a part of the solution, they can decide they can love this country. They just need the right foundation.”
“Civics education will help people get to a place of love, appreciation, pride and understanding of their country and the rights we have. They will understand it is a gift. If you look at any other place in our world, this nation in particular, far exceeds any other nation. It is important to bring civics back for the love of country and an understanding of your rights and responsibilities.”
Dr. Linda Lee Tarver
Lansing, Michigan